Pomegranate – Medicinal Uses & Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Pomegranate (Anar in Hindi & Beejpur in Sanskrit) has been used for thousands of years to cure a wide range of diseases across different cultures and civilizations. It has great nutritional values and numerous health benefits. The Pomegranate known as Beejpur in Sanskrit, meaning replete with seeds symbolizes prosperity and…

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Medicinal Uses of Aamla or Amla or the Indian gooseberry

The Indian gooseberry (Phyllanthus emblica – Binomial name) known as Aamla or Amla in Hindi and amalika in Sanskrit, is a deciduous tree of the Phyllanthaceae family. The Indian gooseberry or Amla is an edible fruit and is sour, bitter, astringent and quite fibrous. Amla is highly valued by nutritionists…

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Ways to use turmeric to protect yourself from disorders

Turmeric is one of the very few medicinal plants which possesses a wide spectrum of medicinal uses and has been used by many cultures across the world from early times. Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurveda, a 5000 year old natural healing system of medicine that is indigenous…

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How to manage cunning and shrewd people?

A very common question asked by corporate as well as common people these days. We found an Indian mythological story with a strong moral addressing this question – ‘How to manage cunning and shrewd people’. Once upon a time there was a cunning fox that always looked for ways to…

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Turmeric – Medicinal Uses & Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Turmeric has been used in the Indian religious ceremonies – Hindu rites and rituals for thousands of years. It’s common belief among the Hindus that Turmeric improves fertility and is considered as the symbol of purity and prosperity. During religious ceremonies, Turmeric mixed in water is poured on the God…

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Turmeric the Ayurvedic Spice – Medicinal uses of Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the very few medicinal plants which possesses a wide spectrum of medicinal uses and has been used by many cultures across the world from early times. Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurveda, a 5000 year old natural healing system of medicine that is indigenous…

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The Less You Chew, The More You Weigh

There is an ancient saying in India which says, “the more you chew, the less you weigh”. Elders always advise to chew the food well and eat slow. This ancient wisdom / fact has been verified by various researches across the world. The Journal of the American Dietetic Association conducted…

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Carrot Juice – the gift of nature to humanity

Freshly extracted carrot juice works wonders on the liver and can be compared to a blood transfusion.  Carrot juice is one of the richest source of vitamin A, B, C, D, E, G, and K. Carrots also aid digestion, promote a healthy appetite and are recommended to nursing mothers to…


Mahatma Gandhi – the Father of the Nation

Mahatma Gandhi known as the Father of the Nation played a key role in India’s freedom struggle. His ideals have always been a source of inspiration for all Indians and peace loving people across the world. Mahatma Gandhi was originally known as Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and the title Mahatma got…

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Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was one of the great servants of humanity who stood as the icon of peace, love and compassion. Her selfless work among the poverty-stricken people received worldwide recognition. Her determination to serve the poor and needy fetched her about 124 prestigious awards, including ‘Padmashree Award’ (in 1962 from…

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